Monday, May 23, 2011

Australian Renewable Energy Revolution Critical By 2020

The author of a new report from the Climate Commission, “The Critical Decade: Climate science, risks and responses,” says the world is running out of time to prevent serious climate events caused by global warming and warns Australia should embrace a renewable energy revolution by 2020 to offset irreversible damage from climate change.

The report warns that it will not be enough to simply lower carbon emissions; this just slows the growth rate of greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere. To avoid a global temperature increase of 2 degrees - a scenario which would result in sea levels rising by 1 metre by 2100, coral reef extinctions, and the end of our polar ice caps - urgent changes must be made in the next decade towards transitioning to a zero-emissions economy, with clean energy sources such as solar, wind and hydro power at the forefront of that change.

Source: Renewable Energy News

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