Thursday, May 26, 2011

Smartphones Measure, Turn Off Household Appliances: The Energy Literacy Platform

The Energy Literacy Platform is a tool that shows you how much electricity you are consuming in your home. Conserving energy is important both for the environment and economically, but how many people really know how much electricity the various appliances and devices around them consume? Or how much energy is conserved by being diligent about switching them off? Normally we only realize how much energy we have used once the bill comes from the electric company. However the bills we receive cannot tell us how much of that energy was used for the refrigerator and how much was used for the vacuum. With the Energy Literacy Platform we offer, users can learn about the amount of electricity they are consuming every day in a more intuitive way and increase their home energy literacy. Through this our goal is to reduce wasteful electricity usage and promote more efficient home energy consumption.

Energy Literacy Platform from sassor on Vimeo.

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