Sunday, March 27, 2011

25 American Mayors Speak Out Against Controversial Tar Sands Pipeline

More than two dozen American mayors have sent a letter expressing concern over the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Representing cities and towns across the United States, their letter notes that the controversial project might “undermine the good work being done in local communities across the country to fight climate change and reduce our dependence on oil.” In light of an expected new environmental review of the proposed pipeline, the Mayors are asking the State Department to be detailed and comprehensive including an evaluation of the “impacts of this pipeline on local community efforts to build clean energy economies.”

“This letter is so important because our cities and towns are where the rubber hits the road on environmental policies,” said Susan Casey-Lefkowitz, director of the International Program for the Natural Resources Defense Council. “They are on the clean energy frontlines in the United States and do not want to see increase of a high-carbon fuel like tar sands undermine their achievements. They deliver services that are imperiled by projects like this pipeline. And, they are responsible for cleaning up spills when things go wrong, so it is no surprise that they are calling for detailed and comprehensive environmental review of the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline that includes the impacts on local communities.”

Source: NRDC

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