Wednesday, March 16, 2011

EWEA 2011: China could surpass 70 GW installed wind by 2015

China could surpass 70 GW of installed wind power in 2015 under the country’s new Five Year Plan, according to the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC).

GWEC has updated its 2010 Global Wind Report to include five year forecasts, saying the average annual growth rate for the global wind power market could be 18.2% over the next five years. This could lead to a doubling of global installed wind power to 450 GW by 2015. Annual market additions are expected to reach 60.5 GW, compared to 35.8 GW in 2010.

China accounted for almost half of global capacity additions in 2010 with 16.5 GW, supported by long-term government plans, supportive policies and huge investments. By 2015, GWEC says annual additions are expected to exceed 20 GW. Combined with India’s steady growth, Asia could reach a total capacity of 174.6 GW.

Europe is expected to remain the second largest market reaching a cumulative wind power capacity of 146.1 GW in 2015. Germany and Spain will remain leading markets, but other markets will also make themselves known and offshore wind will increase its share of new capacity.

North America
The North American market will continue to be haunted by legislative uncertainty at Federal level in both the US and Canada. But by 2014, GWEC says the market will approach its 2009 size. By 2015, capacity is expected to more than double to 94.2 GW.

Latin America
Latin America is expected to reach 19 GW by 2015, driven by developments in Brazil, Mexico and Chile.

Source: Renewable Energy Focus

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