Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Innovative Technology Center, Los Angeles, California by gabriel HUERTA

The Innovative Technology Center is a proposal for creating a hub for rapid prototyping, research and development, while simultaneously infusing the site in Koreatown with a new cultural attractor. An overarching urban problem in Koreatown is the scarcity of open public space of which the design attempts to address by reducing land use through a smaller building footprint.

Water management is the infrastructural driver of the project and is integrated in the building form and skin through passive storm water collection. The landscape is performative in the retention and natural processing of grey water through a field of bioswales and cisterns. As a building system, water is incorporated in the form of radiant cooling for floor slabs that is drawn from groundwater source heat pumps and of repurposed grey water. Solar thermal units further supplement the system by lining the building roof as a performative pattern to heat water.

Source: suckerPUNCH

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