Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Solar Power Trumps Nuclear Energy: University Study: Safer and Cheaper

It's a given that solar power is far safer than utilising nuclear energy for power generation - but it's also cheaper according to a study from Queen's University in Canada.

As Japan grapples with the human tragedy of the recent earthquake and tsunami that has killed thousands and seen millions without basic services, the entire world also awaits nervously on the outcome of its nuclear emergency. At the time of writing, the Fukushima nuclear plant situation has been upgraded to a level six incident by France's Nuclear Safety Authority, making it the world's second most severe nuclear power incident.

A Queen’s University study published in the academic journal Energy Policy suggests that renewable energy is a more economically viable option when nuclear's high construction costs, security risks and long-term management of nuclear waste are considered. Even just taking the liability subsidies into account, if this funding of nuclear power was diverted to solar panel manufacturing, it would see more installed power and more electricity produced by the middle of this century. Under such a scenario, by the end of the century, solar electricity would provide an additional 48,600 TWh over nuclear energy based electricity generation.

Source: Renewable Energy News

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