Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ecotricity G24i Wind Turbine Construction Timelapse: to power a factory making... solar panels

Just launched! This is exciting stuff, a world first no less: one of our fabulous windmills, making the energy to power a factory making... solar panels!

G24i Innovations, a solar company based near Cardiff, is using the latest breakthrough in material science and nanotechnology to create new solar cells that are the closest anyone has come to replicating nature's photosynthesis. You can already find their lightweight, flexible panels in products such as solar courier bags and backpacks, allowing people to charge their mobile phones, cameras and other gadgets on the move.

Now our new windmill is up and running, the energy used to make the solar panels themselves will itself come from a source of renewable energy - the power of the wind, from an Ecotricity windmill (our first in Wales too). This is a vision of the future. Using the power of the wind to make solar panels to harness the power of the sun - Renewable energy being used to make more renewable energy. This is a world first from Ecotricity and G24i.

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