Monday, April 11, 2011

Renewable Energy World Europe 2011

Renewable Energy World Europe 2011 has released its Pre-Show Guide. This includes the preliminary conference schedule for the 3 days of the event.

Within the Pre-Show Guide you will also find information on the exhibition, current floorplans, technical tours, contacts and information on how to attend this event.

Co-located with POWER-GEN Europe, the Renewable Energy World Europe conference programme looks at the growing role of renewable energy in the modern energy market, consisting of a varied mix of coal, gas and oil-fired utilities as well as a significant proportion of renewable energy as part of a balanced portfolio.

The 2011 event from 7-9 June 2011 in Milan takes “Addressing the Hot Button Issues” as its theme and will focus on:
• Building and managing a utility renewable energy portfolio

• New technologies and systems:

- Wind, onshore and offshore

- Photovoltaics – above 2 MW

- Concentrating solar power, solar thermal heating and cooling

- Hydroelectric, pumped storage, marine and tidal current energy

- Bioenergy (biomass and biogas)

• Learning from the experiences of experts in the field

More Information at: Renewable Energy World Europe 2011

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