Friday, April 15, 2011

Solar Electricity Through The Magnetic Effect Of Light

Scientists from the University of Michigan have found a new way to capture solar energy without using solar panels and inadvertently discovered a new law of physical motion that has been overlooked for 100 years in the process. By harnessing a "dramatic and surprising" magnetic effect of light, the research team, led by Professor Stephen Rand from UM’s Department of Applied Physics, say they could produce solar power without using expensive semiconductor-based solar cells.

Although light, like all physical forces, has electric and magnetic effects, until now it was thought the magnetic properties to be too weak to be utilised in any useful way. But when Rand and his team focused light through a non-conductive material, they found the isolated magnetic properties were enhanced by up 100 million times the amount previously expected.

Under these circumstances, the usually negligible magnetic effects of light develop strength equivalent to a strong electric effect. Professor Rand was stunned.
“You could stare at the equations of motion all day and you will not see this possibility,” he said. "It’s a very odd interaction. That’s why it’s been overlooked for more than 100 years."

The team used glass and lasers to shine intense light and separate the magnetic current, creating an “optical battery.”

Source: Renewable Energy News

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