Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Batumi Aquarium in Georgia Named Architecture of the Year in the Conceptual Category by IDA

The proposal for Batumi Aquarium in the Republic of Georgia, designed by Danish Henning Larsen Architects, has been named ‘Architecture of the Year 2010’ in the Conceptual Category at the International Design Awards (IDA) in Los Angeles. The IDA program seeks to recognize, celebrate and promote legendary design visionaries and to uncover emerging talent in architecture and design.

In connection with this year’s award, the IDA Competition Director, Jade Tran, states: “The work (of Henning Larsen Architects) is truly exceptional, and through a difficult jurying process, the design was chosen as the best in its field.”

Batumi Aquarium will be situated adjacent to the black sea in the Georgian seaport of Batumi. The aquarium constitutes four self-supporting exhibition areas where each of the four stones represents a unique marine biotype: Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea/Red Sea, Aegean Sea, and the Indian Ocean. The four separate exhibitions are connected by a central, multipurpose space including a café, auditorium, and retail functions with views of the Black Sea and Batumi Beach.

Source: m i l i m e t d e s i g n

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