Saturday, May 14, 2011

Status of feed-in tariffs in Europe 2010

The use of feed-in tariffs (FiTs) to pay for renewable generation now overwhelmingly dominates European renewable energy policy, according to the most recent meeting of the International Feed-in (tariff) Cooperation council (IFIC).

A summary of the findings of the 8th International Feed-in Cooperation Workshop:
Twenty of 27 EU states use feed-in tariffs as the main renewable energy programme;
Three of 27 EU states also use feed-in tariffs for certain technologies, such as solar PV in Italy;
Only four of 27 EU states don't use feed-in tariffs at all;
85% of all new wind systems since 1997 have been installed with feed-in tariffs in the EU;
Nearly 100% of all new solar PV systems since 1997 have been installed with feed-in tariffs in the EU;
68% of all new biomass generation since 1997 in the EU have been installed with feed-in tariffs;
Feed-in tariffs are the most cost-effective renewable policy in Europe; and
Feed-in tariffs remain the most important measure for EU nations to meet EU renewable targets.

In 1997, there were some 5 GW of wind generating capacity installed in Europe. By the end of 2009 there was 77 GW. Thus, there has been as much as 60 GW of wind capacity installed in Europe with feed-in tariffs. A fleet of this size is capable of generating more than 120 TWh per year and represents a private investment of more than US$120 billion.

Source: Renewable Energy Focus

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