Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tickle Transmission for the iPhone

A research laboratory at the University of Electro-Communications is developing a tickling interface for the iPhone for use between distant locations."You place your iPhone on your palm to use this. When you place it on your palm, a pre-loaded image of a palm blends with your own palm. You then feel like the palm that appears in the screen is your own palm.

If two people separated by a distance each have this kind of system, when one scrolls across their screen, a graphic image of their finger is displayed and appears to scroll across their counterpart's screen.

A known phenomenon is that one can feel ticklish in response to a tickling gesture, even if it does not directly touch the skin, and this is a visual response to that. Furthermore, they are aiming for even more of a ticklish effect by adding vibration to obtain a combined visual and tactile effect.

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