Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ray Anderson on Sustainability

As the world faces ever-increasing environmental challenges so the demand for smart solutions is growing - and more and more pressure is being placed on business to help provide an answer.

Come and hear how one man's commitment to finding that answer transformed a billion dollar company and how his approach to sustainability is tangible proof that profit and principles really can sit side by side.

Ray Anderson, the Chairman and Founder of Interface Inc, the word's largest modular carpet company. Long before many companies took up the environmental cause, Ray identified the importance of sustainability, not just in terms of the way we live but also the way we work. The result for his business? Reduced costs, increased innovation, inspired employees and incredible amounts of goodwill.

Ray was a key adviser to the Clinton administration on environmental policy and was one of TIME Magazine's 2007 "Heroes of the Environment." He also appeared in the 2003 documentary The Corporation alongside Michael Moore and in Leonardo DiCaprio's environmental film The 11th Hour.

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