Thursday, September 1, 2011

Five More UN-REDD Partner Countries Start Implementing their National Programmes

Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Paraguay and Solomon Islands recently signed their National Programme documents, and now join the seven other UN-REDD Programme partner countries already in the implementation phase of their National Programmes.

With the signature of these five National Programmes and the first transfer of funds from the UN-REDD Programme, 12 of the 13 UN-REDD Programme partner countries with National Programmes approved by the UN-REDD Programme Policy Board have finalized their documents and have entered into implementation.

Source: UN-REDD

The UN-REDD Programme in Action video highlights the activities and value of the UN-REDD Programme at the national and global level, and includes interviews with representatives of the Programme, pilot and partner countries, donors and other REDD+ experts.

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