Wednesday, September 7, 2011

RecyclePix App is Fun!

Are you bored with obsessing over yourself in the mirror for Facebook and Twitter? Lame, same old shots.

It's time to start taking pictures of something that matters like recycling! Download a new app for your or Android. Recycle pics at home, at work, at the zoo. Look for a recycling option at all your local hotspots: at the coffee shop, at the gym or even at a concert at the park. Don't forget to take a picture of yourself recycling magazines, ewaste, batteries, even .

It's a very cool and very new recycling app. Once you take your picture, post directly to your Facebook or Twitter. You'll get points at Greenopolis for doing so. You'll get points for recycling at a Greenopolis or Dream Machine kiosks. Start inspiring others to recycle while having fun. Don't forget you can be in the picture too.

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