Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Power Shift Perth Flash Mob Dance

A video by AYCC WA, with special thanks to Ashlea Thomson for choreography, and to Richard Berney, Dave LeMay and Firstlight for production and post-production support.

Hundreds of young people took part in a flash mob dance at the Power Shift 2011 youth climate summit in Perth. The creative stunt was designed to draw attention to the urgent issue of climate change, which will greatly impact the future of young Australians, and to call on our government to repower Australia with 100% renewable energy.

The dance was the culmination of a 3 day summit in Perth, with more than 200 young people coming together from around WA to hear from the IPCC and key politicians, learn campaign skills in training workshops, attend a youth concert and connect with hundreds of other incredible young people.

The next step is to Repower Australia

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