Friday, October 21, 2011

Prof. Chris Busby update on Supplements to block Fukushima Radioactivity

Chris Busby updates Japan on what to do to reduce the risk of radiation damage from the contamination from the Strontium-90, Uranium and Plutonium dispersed widely over northern Japan.First of all, evacuate the children and evacuate yourselves. The contamination of the ground and the food is a serious health hazard. Car air filter analysis shows the material on the ground becomes airborne and can be inhaled. Get away If you can; but if not not then you can reduce the access of these radionuclides to the DNA. It is basic Physical Chemistry that increasing the Calcium concentration, (Calcium which stabilises the DNA phosphate backbone), will inhibit the equilibrium binding of radionuclides like Strontium, Uranium, Plutonium and other high DNAP affinity elements and complex ions. The Iodine thyroid blocking method is based on the same thermodynamic chemical equilibrium idea. A number of websites have been selling pills based on his ideas and more are being set up but it is straightforward, he says, to buy Calcium/ Magnesium tablets from health food shops where they are not expensive. The adult dose is about 800mg Calcium and 350mg Magnesium. Reduce the dose for children in proportion to their relative weight, so for a 10-year old, about 400mg Calcium and 175mg Magnesium. This is a critical issue: it will save lives and it is so simple and is absolutely harmless.

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