Friday, July 27, 2012

Climate Change & Consciousness: It starts with awareness

Want to save the planet ? Perhaps you recycle ..... or practice a vegetarian diet ...... or watch you carbon footprint ....... That's great !!!
....but where does it all start ?

It starts with {awareness} .......

Monday, July 23, 2012

Big Sunspot 1520 Releases X1.4 Class Flare by NASA

An X1.4 class flare erupted from the center of the sun, peaking on July 12, 2012 at 12:52 PM EDT. It erupted from Active Region 1520 which rotated into view on July 6.

This video uses SDO AIA footage in 131(teal), 171(gold) and 335 (blue) angstrom wavelengths. Each wavelength shows different temperature plasma in the sun's atmosphere. 171 shows 600,000 Kelvin plasma, 335 shows 2.5 million Kelvin plasma, and 131 shows 10 million Kelvin plasma.

The final shot is a composite of 171 and 335 angstrom footage.

A Demonstration Of How Gorgeous Solar Activity Can Be by NASA

The sun emitted a large flare on July 12, 2012, but earlier in the week it gave a demonstration of how gorgeous solar activity can be. This movie shows the sun from late July 8 to early July 10 shortly before it unleashed an X-class flare beginning at 12:11 PM EDT on July 12 as captured by the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). The flare isn't shown here, but the movie shows how the sun is constantly, and complexly, active. The region responsible for the flare, known as Active Region 1520, and sitting in the lower left part of the sun, crackles with giant loops of magnetized solar material that can help scientists understand how magnetic energy in the region creates these giant explosions. On the right side of the sun, the shimmering loops offer us the last vision of Active Region 1515 -- which was also responsible for many solar flares -- as it disappears out of view along with the sun's rotation. The movie represents light in the 171 Angstrom wavelength, a wavelength of light that is particularly good at highlighting these magnetic loops.

The Van Gogh Sun by NASA

A crucial, and often underappreciated, facet of science lies in deciding how to turn the raw numbers of data into useful, understandable information -- often through graphs and images. Such visualization techniques are needed for everything from making a map of planetary orbits based on nightly measurements of where they are in the sky to colorizing normally invisible light such as X-rays to produce "images" of the sun.

Top Five Best of "Earth As Art" by NASA

Counting down the Top Five Earth As Art images, as voted on by the public. Landsat has been collecting data of the Earth's surface since 1972. Some of the images are visually striking, and they have been selected for the "Earth As Art" collection. These are the best.

A series of Landsat satellites have surveyed the Earth's surface since 1972. In that time, Landsat data have become a vital reference worldwide, used for understanding scientific issues related to land use and natural resources. However, some Landsat images are simply striking to look at - presenting spectacular views of mountains and valleys, forests and farms. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of Landsat, the US Geological Survey and NASA asked for your help in selecting the top five Earth As Art images.

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Future is Ours: Created to inspire by Michael Marantz #TheFutureIsOurs

Imagine the future as a movie, consider this a trailer to that movie. The future excites so much, that is why  Michael Marantz made this. We need to be inspired by the immense possibilities of the future and work extremely hard to achieve them. We can do it, we just have to commit. Help inspire others by sharing this video and tagging any interesting content on twitter with #TheFutureIsOurs

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