NASA announced a breakthrough addition to the catalog of new planets. Researchers using Kepler have confirmed 715 new worlds, almost quadrupling the number of planets previously confirmed by the planet-hunting spacecraft. Some of the new worlds are similar in size to Earth and orbit in the habitable zone of their parent stars. Read more at NASA
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Friday, February 21, 2014
Climate Change Finance: Better use of Climate Finance
An easy to understand concept of Climate Change Finance, its management and recommended directions to better manage it.
Countries are increasingly looking at how climate change is reflected in their own national budgets and expenditures. While the debates continue internationally about who should cover the costs of reducing carbon emissions or adapting to climate risks, developing countries themselves are also responding to climate change by examining more closely their own domestic resources from their own existing budgets.
UNDP has begun working with countries in Asia to help them undertake a Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review. This means they are looking through their national budgets to identify where climate change is already influencing allocations. With a better understanding of exactly how much and where existing national budgetary resources are going, more informed choices can be made about how and where to channel additional resources for countries to prepare for the effects of climate change.
Countries are increasingly looking at how climate change is reflected in their own national budgets and expenditures. While the debates continue internationally about who should cover the costs of reducing carbon emissions or adapting to climate risks, developing countries themselves are also responding to climate change by examining more closely their own domestic resources from their own existing budgets.
UNDP has begun working with countries in Asia to help them undertake a Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review. This means they are looking through their national budgets to identify where climate change is already influencing allocations. With a better understanding of exactly how much and where existing national budgetary resources are going, more informed choices can be made about how and where to channel additional resources for countries to prepare for the effects of climate change.
What Is Monsanto?
Global awareness of Monsanto is at an all time high, and Monsanto's GMO's are now banned in at least 50 countries and increasing.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Amount of old ice in Arctic, 1987-2013
The winter ice pack in the Arctic was once dominated by old, thick ice. Today, very little old ice remains. This animation shows maps of sea ice age from 1987 through the end of October 2013. Age class 1 means "first-year ice," which is ice that formed in the most recent winter. The oldest ice (9+) is ice that is more than 9 years old. Animation by NOAA, based on research data provided by Mark Tschudi, CCAR, University of Colorado.
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