Monday, October 4, 2010

Beautiful pictures Commonwealth Games opening ceremony

The Frame: Commonwealth Games opening ceremony

In sharp contrast to the run-up to the Commonwealth Games, the opening ceremony started on time Sunday night, and appeared to be meticulously planned, with a throbbing musical number that included hundreds of intricately costumed drummers, the world's largest helium balloon and enormous dancing puppets. A crowd of about 60,000, ranging from Indian families to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, and his wife, Camilla, packed Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in central Delhi. Audience members danced in their seats and the applause was spontaneous and enthusiastic. The exuberant ceremony was a welcome change from preparations for the Games, which were notable for missed deadlines, accusations of corruption, filthy living quarters for athletes and the collapse of a footbridge that injured more than two dozen people. As the audience filed into the stadium, many seemed to be hoping for the best, but worried about the worst. -- New York Times News Service (45 images)

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