Friday, December 3, 2010

European Union warns: Mediterranean Sea region could see an increase of 7 degrees Celsius this century due to climate change

With the COP16 Climate Conference going on in Cancun right now, temperature increase reports due to climate change make headlines all over the Internet. On Monday the Guardian reported that climate change scientists warn of a 4 degrees Celsius global temperature rise by 2060, that is to say within our lifetime. Of course 4 degrees Celsius is a global average. Europe now warns that the situation could be even worse in the Mediterranean Sea region. A temperature increase of 7 degrees Celsius is predicted before the end of the century.

Although it sounds like science-fiction climate change is something we will all experience one way or another. According to the EEA (European Environmental Agency) children that are born today in countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea will be first-hand witnesses of rising temperatures. Heat waves will cause twice as many deaths as it does today (during the 2003 heat wave in France and Spain more than 70.000 people died), plants will relocate to milder climates and farmers will have to adapt to this new climate by changing their crops or simply accepting to see them disappear

European Union warns: Mediterranean Sea region could see an increase of 7 degrees Celsius this century due to climate change «

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