Crude oil that leaked from a pipeline in the Gulf of Thailand over the weekend has reached a tourist resort.
PTT ... and at least 300 navy soldiers are cleaning up the damage caused by an oil slickthat has pollutedAo Phrao beach on Samet island. On Monday the oil entered the bayand washed up on the beach at Ao Phrao, on the western part of the island, on Sunday night. The oil slickhas affected the entirebeach of the small bay. Read more at Bangkok Post
PTT Global Chemical Plc (PTTGC) apologised on Monday for the oil spill from its pipeline that has damaged a beach on Koh Samet, one of the country's most popular tourist destinations, and promised to complete the clean up and restoration by Thursday. Read more at Bangkok Post
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013
World Tiger Day: Tiger Island - A BBC Natural World Documenrary
'Tiger Island' is a BBC Natural World documentary following Panthera's CEO and tiger expert, Dr. Alan Rabinowitz, as he investigates a controversial project to rehabilitate and release conflict tigers in Sumatra. Travel with Dr. Rabinowitz as he visits a 'sanctuary' for conflict tigers in southern Sumatra and learn what he discovers while monitoring tigers released back into the wild. Find out if this new and radical approach to tiger conservation could put tigers and local villagers in harm's way or be a tool used to help save the Critically Endangered Sumatran tiger from extinction.
Global Tiger Day: The Wild American Tiger by National Geographic
With more tigers living in captivity in the United States than in the wild, what effect is the relationship between human and beast having on the wild tiger crisis?
Monday, July 15, 2013
The Company of Ants and Bees Documentary
Documentary in which Professor James Gould argues that ants and bees have important things to tell us about human society and its future chances.
Stop the Hunting of Polar Bears for Profit
The polar bear's future is melting away, along with its Arctic sea ice habitat. Yet some countries still allow the bears to be hunted for profit and their body parts sold in the international market.
Skywatcher: The Scariest, Most Shocking Climate Change Video of 2012
This documentary should make you think twice before dismissing persistent tracks in the sky from condensation trails, or "chemtrails."
Skywatcher is a 25-minute science presentation discussing weather modification and the REAL cause of climate change, which is anthropogenic CLOUD cover-- much more than greenhouse gases like CO2-- and the spraying of "cloud seeding" chemicals (especially silver iodide) for precipitation enhancement.
This video shows exactly HOW we make clouds with aircraft, why the jet contrails persist now (when they used to disappear much more quickly), and why we're finding high levels of metals in our water and soil, including aluminum and strontium. sure you want the truth?
Skywatcher is a 25-minute science presentation discussing weather modification and the REAL cause of climate change, which is anthropogenic CLOUD cover-- much more than greenhouse gases like CO2-- and the spraying of "cloud seeding" chemicals (especially silver iodide) for precipitation enhancement.
This video shows exactly HOW we make clouds with aircraft, why the jet contrails persist now (when they used to disappear much more quickly), and why we're finding high levels of metals in our water and soil, including aluminum and strontium. sure you want the truth?
Don't Let the Belugas Go Silent by Pierce Brosnan
Pierce Brosnan calls for citizen action to stop the Apache Alaska Corporation from deploying seismic airguns in the critical habitat of the last 284 beluga whales of Alaska's Cook Inlet.
Tar Sands Oil Is Killing Our Planet by Robert Redford
Developing the Canadian tar sands will wreak havoc with our climate for decades to come. And the Keystone XL pipeline, which would carry this toxic tar sands fuel from Alberta to Texas, would threaten drinking water supplies in America's heartland.
It's time for millions of us to come together and demand clean power. "Join me in saying No to tar sands oil and Yes to clean energy!" -Robert Redford
It's time for millions of us to come together and demand clean power. "Join me in saying No to tar sands oil and Yes to clean energy!" -Robert Redford
Making People Care About Climate Change
Remember climate change? For the first time since 1984, the issue didn't even come up in a presidential debate. But bringing climate change back into our national conversation is as much a communications challenge as it is a scientific one. Scientist Anthony Leiserowitz, director of the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication, joins Bill to describe his efforts to do what even Hurricane Sandy couldn't — galvanize communities over what's arguably the greatest single threat facing humanity. Leiserowitz, who specializes in the psychology of risk perception, knows better than anyone if people are willing to change their behavior to make a difference.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
The Pacific Adventures of the Climate Crab
The Pacific Adventures of the Climate Crab aims to raise awareness of the science and impacts of El Niño and La Niña and encourage Pacific Islanders to take early action in preparing for these extreme events.
Friday, July 5, 2013
The Wild and Beautiful Bering Sea
This beautiful, wild place, home to one of the most productive ecosystems on the planet is at risk. Unsustainable fishing will continue destroying essential habitat in the Bering Sea Canyons, and taking massive amounts of fish that other animals depend on to survive - unless we act now to protect it.
Get the Coal Energy Facts: Help Us Stop Coal Exports Explained by Alia Shawkat aka Maeby
Multi-billion dollar coal companies like Arch, Ambre, and Peabody want to ship the coal buried under the United States to Asia, releasing disastrous amounts of carbon pollution, just to line their own pockets. This expansion in US coal exports could release more carbon pollution than any other new fossil fuel project in the United States.
Coal exports out of the Pacific Northwest could pose a bigger climate threat than the Keystone XL pipeline. Coal companies are scheming to export over 150 million tons of coal through the region. If we're serious about halting the worst impacts of climate change, we must do something to stop Arch, Ambre, and Peabody's plans, and keep this coal in the ground.
Coal exports out of the Pacific Northwest could pose a bigger climate threat than the Keystone XL pipeline. Coal companies are scheming to export over 150 million tons of coal through the region. If we're serious about halting the worst impacts of climate change, we must do something to stop Arch, Ambre, and Peabody's plans, and keep this coal in the ground.
Disappearing Arctic Sea Ice: Melting Polar Ice Cap
"Arctic Sea Ice Max is 5th-Lowest on Record - This animation shows the seasonal change in the extent of the Arctic sea ice between March 1, 2012 and February 28, 2013. The annual cycle starts with the maximum extent reached on March 15, 2012. Every summer the Arctic ice cap melts down to its minimum extent before colder weather builds the ice cover back up.
This new ice generated on an annual basis is called 'first-year' ice and is thinner than the older sea ice. The perennial ice is the portion of the ice cap that spans multiple years and represents its thickest component. On September 13, 2012, the sea ice minimum covered 3.439 million square kilometers, that is down by more than 3.571 million square kilometers from the high of 7.011 million square kilometers measured in 1980. The annual maximum extent for 2013 reached on February 28 reached an extent of 15.09 million square kilometers."
This new ice generated on an annual basis is called 'first-year' ice and is thinner than the older sea ice. The perennial ice is the portion of the ice cap that spans multiple years and represents its thickest component. On September 13, 2012, the sea ice minimum covered 3.439 million square kilometers, that is down by more than 3.571 million square kilometers from the high of 7.011 million square kilometers measured in 1980. The annual maximum extent for 2013 reached on February 28 reached an extent of 15.09 million square kilometers."
Greenland Ice Melt At 97 Percent, NASA Satellites Show
Greenland's ice sheet is losing some 150 gigatons of ice a year and three satellites have found that 97 percent of Greenland has undergone a thaw never before seen in 33 years of satellite tracking. In other words, the pace of ice melt is increasing.
Arctic ice melting at amazing speed
David Shukman visits the Ny-Alesund research base in Svalbard. Scientists in the Arctic are warning that this summer's record-breaking melt is part of an accelerating trend with profound implications.
Norwegian researchers report that the sea ice is becoming significantly thinner and more vulnerable.
Norwegian researchers report that the sea ice is becoming significantly thinner and more vulnerable.
Gasland II Official Trailer, Premieres July 8th 2013 on HBO
GASLAND Part II from Emmy Winning and Oscar Nominated Director Josh Fox premieres on HBO July 8th 2013. Check local listings.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Sustainable Palm Oil: The Way Forward
This video describes the work of the Sustainable Palm Oil team in WWF-Malaysia. It also shows how some oil palm companies are already contributing a role in conservation work on the ground. You too can make a difference.
Underground Bicycle Parking Systems in Japan
Too many bicycles and not enough space in Japan - so what do they do?
They dig wells in the ground and build robotic systems to store your two wheelers underground - safe from harsh weather and naughty thieves.
They dig wells in the ground and build robotic systems to store your two wheelers underground - safe from harsh weather and naughty thieves.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
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