Wednesday, December 1, 2010

EU Member States must triple efforts to decarbonise by 2050 reveals new EU Climate Policy Tracker

A new tracker tool launched today by WWF and Ecofys reveals that only a third of the necessary action needed today to put EU countries on a path towards a low carbon economy by 2050 (reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80-95%), is currently being undertaken.

The report and accompanying website called the Climate Policy Tracker for the European Union, provide for the first time an up-to-date snapshot of greenhouse gas emission controls across the EU using a Member State-by-Member State and sector-by sector analysis. “The Climate Policy Tracker is a powerful tool that measures the impact of policies and how effective they are. It allows people to easily identify the policy sectors which need more attention and where action is most effective in reducing emissions”, says Niklas Höhne, Director of Energy & Climate Policy at Ecofys.

The Climate Policy Tracker reveals large differences in levels of ambition and best practices across EU countries when it comes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions; however the report shows that overall the results are weak. “The deep cuts needed for 2050 have to happen across the economy. Member States need to scan their full policy portfolios to address weaknesses. They also need to commit to improving their implementation of EU policies, since 40% of results hinge on European legislation”, says Jason Anderson, Head of Climate & Energy Policy at WWF European Policy Office.

EU Member States must triple efforts to decarbonise by 2050 reveals new EU Climate Policy Tracker | Tomorrow is greener

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