Friday, December 3, 2010

Offshore Wind is Next Clean Energy Wave for New York State (USA)

Atlantic states are poised to harness substantial offshore wind power according to a report that tallies the region’s clean energy potential offshore. For the entire coast, the report finds massive a renewable energy opportunity from wind in the Atlantic Ocean’s shallow waters where current technology is best suited.

The report will track proposed and advancing wind projects in New York and for the Atlantic as a whole, as well as job opportunities and policy steps that are needed. The report is prepared by the National Wildlife Federation and cosponsored by more than 35 organizations up and down the Atlantic Coast. New York State-based groups releasing the report include the Alliance for Clean Energy New York, Citizens Campaign for the Environment, Environmental Advocates of New York, Environment New York, and Renewable Energy Long Island.

Offshore Wind is Next Clean Energy Wave for New York State (USA) >> Offshore Wind

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