Friday, December 3, 2010

Government Buys One-in-Four GM or Ford Hybrids

Hybrid sales haven’t been great lately, though it isn’t for a lack of help. The U.S. General Services Administration has bought at least 14,584 hybrids from Ford and GM, about a quarter of the hybrids sold between the two companies.

Since Barack Obama took office, the GSA has been buying up hybrids at a regular rate. Yet the hybrid purchases still represent just 10% of the 145,473 vehicles the GSA bought in the past two years. I had no idea our government bought so many vehicles regularly.

An overwhelming amount of those hybrids were bought from Ford and GM. Chrysler probably could have got in on this action too, had they actually made hybrids for more than two months.

Government Buys One-in-Four GM or Ford Hybrids – Gas 2.0

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