Friday, December 3, 2010

EU warned: The global clean tech train is leaving the station

As international climate change talks get underway in Mexico, EU Climate Action Commissioner Connie Hedegaard last week re-emphasized the case for the EU to commit to bolder greenhouse gas emissions cuts – a belief shared by several of the EU’s progressive businesses.

She urged EU businesses and policymakers to drive low carbon investment in Europe: “those in the end who improve energy efficiency and improve innovation,” she said, “they will save money”. She warned that companies who did not, risked being overtaken by Chinese competitors.

Earlier this year, 30 European companies called on the EU to increase its greenhouse gas emissions target to 30 per cent by 2020, from 1990 levels, in the interests of strengthening Europe’s economic future, boosting jobs and competitiveness and providing greater certainty and predictability for investors.

The Climate Group

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