Saturday, January 15, 2011

Conservationists unveil plans to save coral from extinction

Conservationists have unveiled plans to preserve and protect the world’s most important species of coral, in a response to increasing threats that they say will lead to “functional extinction” within decades.
Led by scientists at the Zoological Society of London, the Edge Coral Reefs project has identified 10 coral species in most urgent risk of becoming extinct.

The scientists say that reefs are under pressure from a variety of threats including rising sea temperatures due to climate change, increased acidity, overfishing and pollution.

The Edge plan, which focuses on the most evolutionarily distinct and globally endangered species will take a regional approach to conservation.

This means focusing on the “coral triangle” around the Philippines, the west Indian ocean around the Mozambique channel, and in the Caribbean channel.

Conservationists unveil plans to save coral from extinction OurWorld 2.0

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