Saturday, January 15, 2011

European consumers could save 44 billion euro every year

Consumers in Europe could save 44 billion euro on their energy usage from household appliances and heating installations every year. This is written in the report ‘Energy savings in practice’ from a coalition of European environmental agencies. According to the coalition, Europe must really speed up the pass in setting strict energy regulations for important energy demanding appliances such as boilers and central heating. These energy regulations should have been instated two years ago, however, negotiations are stuck due to the lobby of the energy industry.

The coalition ‘Cool products for a cool planet’ asks EU-regulators to hurry up and install the energy regulations for these products. As heating appliances are responsible for over 25% of the total CO2 output in Europe, it could change a lot.

European consumers could save 44 billion euro every year | Tomorrow is greener

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