Saturday, January 15, 2011

First public hydrogen station opened in the Netherlands

Early December, the first public hydrogen station was opened in the Netherlands. The Honda FCX Clarity was the first car to fuel-up at this station. The hydrogen unit is placed at a gasoline station in the city of Arnhem. This hydrogen station is part of a project called The HvMove-project. The purpose of the project is to research the use of hydrogen and to get some experience with the process. The city’s public hydrogen-powered bus will be one of the vehicles which will get fuel from the station.

The opening of this public hydrogen station in Arnhem is, after the presentation of the public hydrogen bus, the second milestone of the MvMove-project. The initiative comes from the province Gelderland and the cities Arnhem and Nijmegen. They see it as a small step to reduce CO2 emissions and other exhaust fumes to improve the living climate in the region. For the project to succeed, a hydrogen infrastructure is as essential as the vehicles which would drive on hydrogen. Without the ability to fuel up there hydrogen-vehicles, no citizen would which to hydrogen-cars any time soon.

First public hydrogen station opened in the Netherlands Tomorrow is greener

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